Thursday, September 3, 2015

September Goals

Well friends, since I skipped/forgot/omitted/ignored my August goal planning, I feel that this month we should begin with the most important goal: make goals!

August was filled to the brim with soaking in the tail end of summer. Our sweet Paul is growing like a weed and loves showing off his gummy smile and belly laughs as he turned four months old. Matt and I spent a weekend in Orange Beach (sans baby) to celebrate our third wedding anniversary and it was pure (and needed) bliss. We wrapped up the month with a week with family at a beach house on Perdido Key Beach and have been sneaking back on the weekends for extra sunshine and family time. Hop on over to Instagram to recap our August fun.

I don't know if it is life as a new mama with a babe in hand (well, on the hip) or the feeling of summer coming to an end that makes life feel like it is passing by at lightening speed. My goal this fall is to slow down, be intentional with my moments, soak in these fleeting days with my son and truly be present where I am in this season. Here's to setting goals that both put a smile on my face and squirm in my seat.

September Goals
Step out of my comfort zone + visit three local MOPS groups.
Kick off the school year with our church's annual youth canoe trip.
Plan one activity each week for Paul + mama time out of the house.
Block out more "white space" in my schedule.
Go for a walk/run 3x a week.
Implement social media free days on the Sabbath.
Prioritize blogging + nail my niche.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Top 10 Newborn Favorites

While I was pregnant, I scoured all over the internet for the best newborn and infant products. I relied on blogs, reviews (good and bad), 5 star rankings and Pinterest to help gauge my pre-baby mindset of what would work for this little baby I had yet to meet. I am the first to say that what works for one mama and baby may not work for the next, but there is that moment in time when mamas rally together and raise our coffee cups to the best baby products we love. So, grab your warm (or rewarmed for the fifth time today) mug of coffee and read on to find the Roberts' favorite newborn products that we've loved these past 3 months. 
  1. Solly Baby Wrap. I am marking this product at number one on the list for good reason! I knew from the beginning that I would want to babywear, not only for the health benefits, but also for convenience and comfort. The lightweight fabric of this wrap is perfect with our brutal Florida heat we have to put up with and is incomparable to other wrap competitors. Who wants heavy fabric wrapping your body heat and your baby's body heat up in a sweaty mess? I am regularly stopped by onlookers, who are jaw-dropped when they feel the lightweight and breathable fabric. This is perfect for babywearing on the go while shopping, traveling (easy to pack!) and freeing up your hands in those long afternoons with a baby who just wants to be held all day. I have the wrap in "Butter" and it is perfect for a baby boy or girl and matches everything.
  2. On Becoming Baby Wise. I found a trend among my mama-friends who have well-behaved and well-rested babies (and well-rested parents): they use BabyWise. I purchased the book, and honestly, started in the middle where they talk about putting your baby on a schedule. I occasionally glance through other chapters as Paul has growth spurts, I need some troubleshooting tips or I want to get ahead on upcoming changes, but see everything as guidelines. I just take and pull what works for my baby and our family and implement it in the best way that I see fit. I absolutely credit BabyWise for Paul sleeping through the night by 8 weeks (and mama and daddy, too!) and love that I can quickly predict and know when he needs to eat, will want to play and will be ready for a nap. I call not so secretly call it my "baby manual" and recommend it to all new mamas.
  3. Graco Glider DLX Gliding Swing. Oh, swing. We just love you over here in the Roberts' house. While this was the last item that we added to our registry and the last item that we were gifted, we had no idea that this would be a life-saver in our home. Since Paul had some respiratory issues early on, had had to sleep propped up. We immediately found that the angle of the swing was perfect for him. We kept the swing in the living room during the day, so that he could nap in plain sight while I worked around the house or napped on the couch. We tried to transition him to the bassinet at night, but it didn't work for him. So, we just moved the swing to our room at night and he slept soundly with the swing moving gently and the added white noise playing for the first few weeks. It wasn't my plan to give in to swing sleep, but motherhood = survival, ya'll.
  4. Ergobaby Original Baby Carrier. In our house, we call this the "Daddy Carrier." The durable and soft framework of this carrier makes it perfect for Matt to carry Paul (and it also doesn't look "mommy" in any way!). We keep the snaps sized for Matt's body, so that it's easy to grab and click on when we're traveling, hiking or playing basketball with daddy in the driveway when he's home from work. I'm excited to use this when Paul can sit on my back and completely free up my arms while babywearing.
  5. Baby Trend Go-Lite ELX Nursery Center. This was also one of the last items we were gifted with and a huge favorite. We transitioned Paul from the baby swing to the smaller bassinet around 4 weeks, which was the perfect height next to our tall bed for midnight feedings and soothing. Paul transitioned directly out of the bassinet and to his crib by 8 weeks, but we still regularly use this while traveling for a portable crib. The front storage area is also perfect when traveling for quick access to diapers, pacis and anything else we need to throw in a safe spot away from baby hands.
  6. Graco FastAction Fold Jogger Click Connect Travel System. Sure, there are plenty of high-end strollers out there, but I'm just not that person to drop, or ask someone to drop, one grand on a stroller that will get poop stains (done), dirty tires and never used again after our short stroller years are over. We've already taken this stroller on all of our vacations this summer and have loved the durability of the entire framework and tires as well as the incredible storage underneath the infant seat as well as cup holders for mama and daddy's coffee and even a little storage at the top for keys and cell phones. One of the coolest things about this system is that the stroller and car seat all come together, so the car seat easily can fit inside the stroller for a newborn and removed for an infant/toddler. Paul loves riding in this front facing, so that he can see the world.
  7. Graco Snugrider Elite Stroller Frame. When I first registered for strollers, I swear I had about four strollers on my registry and not the slightest idea of what I would need or what made sense. I credit my amazing co-mama friend, Kaylynn, for letting me know about this genius stroller frame. Instead of keeping a massive stroller in the back of my SUV, I keep this super lightweight and easy to fold (I can do it with one hand!) stroller frame handy in the trunk. It even has extra storage underneath. I simply unclick Paul's car seat from the backseat and click it into this frame. No unbuckling and buckling a sleeping or crying baby. No lugging around massive strollers. I can get in and out of the car in a snap. Easy. Cheap. Does the job. Every mama's dream.
  8. Infant Baby Bather (similar). There is only one thing that I registered for that I wish I could go back in time and tell myself that I don't need: an infant bath tub. My amazing neighbor, Holly, gave me a baby bather sling that she had used with her babies right before Paul was born. I had never seen anything like it before, and while beyond thankful for her generosity, was sure I wouldn't be using it over my brand new, beautiful, baby blue, highly reviewed baby bath tub. I.was.wrong. The sling that came with the bathtub lays him down too low to actually hold more than an inch of water in the tub. At that point, especially with a new baby who shouldn't be submerged, why would you put any water in the tub? I pulled out the sling, and since his first bath, he has loved it. Big and small enough to use from newborn through infancy, it can lay the child back or sit them nearly upright. It folds up beautifully for travel or storage. I still use it to this day, since Paul can't sit up on his own and plan to use it until he goes straight to sitting in the tub. Thank you again, Holly!
  9. Long Sleeve Onesie with Mitten Cuffs. I really don't know if it was just my child or all children, but nails. Wow. Babies not only have them, but they want to scratch their faces off with them it seems. Even in the hospital, Paul was nonstop scratching his perfect, fresh from the womb skin, leaving huge marks and even making himself bleed. I had my mom go and grab a pack of these onesies with mitten cuffs and they were perfect. The cuffs stay on since they are connected to the onesie and the cuffs keep his little hands out of his face. I also loved that these were simple white onesies, so when he spit up or had a poop explosion, I wasn't as sad to change him out of a basic onesie vs. a cute, perfectly planned outfit. ;) #momprobz
  10.  Dr. Brown's Bottles. I missed the mama memo that Dr. Brown's bottles are a God-send. I registered for and was gifted another brand, and unfortunately, Paul never used them. He had such incredibly bad gas, so I resorted to these and see if they would help. Oh goodness, did they ever. We've been using them since he was born and have upgrades the nipple sizes as he grows. Love love love.
There are a dozen other products that I would say I can't live without, but these are definitely the ones that I claim made my new mama life easier and were immediately  baby approved. What are your favorite newborn products?

* I am in no way compensated for reviewing or recommending any of these products.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Day I {Really} Became A Mother

"He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it." 1 Thessalonians 5:24

Three months (three is my favorite number, so you know this is going somewhere good) prior to beginning a relationship with my husband, I answered an altar call where I was given a prophetic prayer that, well, confused me. The pastor spoke "wife" and "mother" over me, saying that God was going to use me in those roles to fulfill His kingdom work. For those who didn't know me then, you should know that not only was I not in a relationship with anyone at that point to help me become a "wife" or "mother," I had never dated anyone. Ever. I remember leaving the service joking with my sister, "Well, I guess I'm getting married soon!"

Fast forward three months, and I began dating the man that I now call my husband. The journey to becoming Matt's wife is one filled with God's handprint marked all over it (including hearing from God that I would marry a man named "Matthew" when I was 10 years old!), but that is a story I will save for another time.

On our very first date, we opened up to each other about everything. All the little messy, fun and hidden details of our lives (looking back - who does that on the first date?!). When he asked me the question, "What do you want to do after college?" I rambled on about pursuing a career in public relations or education, due to my degrees. After doing so, I felt a little tug in my heart to open up to him even more, and told him what I really want to be was a wife and mom - one who is dedicated to making little disciples for Christ and leading her home in that which builds His kingdom. This desire in my heart to be a wife and mother stemmed from even my childhood longings to serve God in that manner, and the previous prophecy spoken over me was no where near the forefront of my mind. I knew sharing this with him would either scare him away with the idea that he would be the sole provider for a family, or, he would react how he did: promise that he would make that happen.

Fast forward one year, and he made me a wife.

Fast forward two years, and I began to doubt again. While I mocked God the day that I received that prophecy, I witnessed His word coming true through the creation of our marriage. I immediately knew that God was going to not only answer His promise of making me a wife and mother, but that He would do it fully. I began to doubt when we felt called to start a family...and it didn't happen. It didn't happen for three months, then three months turned into six months, then six months turned into nine months. Nine months that I longed to carry a baby turned into nine months of infertility. I was struggling deep in my soul to trust that God was going to do more than fulfill only 50% of the desires of my heart, of His heart. I should have known better.

Fast forward three years, and he made me a mother.

Three years from that very first moment that I shared with my husband that I wanted to be a mother, God fulfilled it in its entirety with our firstborn son. (Read 'A Birth Story: Paul Harrison Roberts' Part I and Part II)

Fast forward to last month, when I left not only my job, but my corporate career, to become a full time and stay at home wife and mama.

My eight to five days donning fresh Starbucks, stilettos, working with the local media and managing communications for an organization now look like 'round the clock mornings, afternoons and nights warming the same cup of coffee five times, spit up covered pajamas, reruns of my favorite shows and the best, warmest and most important snuggles and kisses with my sweet son.

Standing on my current mountaintop, I am able to see the words spoken years ago come to life. I am so thankful for the calling that Christ has placed on our family and that He has made the way for our new, little family to walk into that calling. From a new job for my husband to miracle situations, we are living out the dreams that we shared with each other four years ago in that small diner over lunch. I can't wait to see where this beautiful path leads and what will be fulfilled through us to further advance His glorious kingdom.

Moral of the story: don't ignore the little voice inside of you calling you to something greater, something that scares you. Trust Him to bring you through it and to it.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Paul Harrison: A Family Session

I am so thankful that in the midst of sleepless nights, empty cups of coffee, dirty diapers and postpartum tears that we were able to capture these early days with our sweet Paul Harrison. Thank you Naomi McIntosh Photography for capturing these legacy memories that we will cherish always.

Our dear friend, Judy, wrote this beautiful poem for Paul the morning after he was born. We are so honored to have her attentively listening to God's voice and sharing His word over Paul with us. Judy, you are a blessing!  

A Prayer for Paul
Ten little fingers. Ten little toes.
One little boy, with Daddy's nose.
Jesus I ask that You command
Guardian angels to be at hand
Watching protecting our little Paul
To Catch him gently when he falls.
Holy Spirit call his name,
That he will hear it loud and plain.
Teach him Jesus, of Your Love.
Light his path from heaven above.
God has chosen just for Paul,
a loving family in each and all.
Pray him thru trial and error.
Keep him on the straight and narrow.
God bless Paul, Your tiny sparrow.
Thank You Lord for quiver and arrow

Paul Harrison, we are so glad that you joined our family when you did. We can't wait to see you become the mighty warrior and disciple that God created you to be.

Mama is all about those fat lip kisses!